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April Meeting Recap

April 21st, 2018
Nick and Carrie’s
10 members present

Chuck – motion to approve minutes
Janice 2nd, all in favor

Treasurer’s report- Carrie made a motion to approve
Starla 2nd, all were in favor

Old business:
-Around $1,000 profit from the snowmobile raffle this year compared to last year.
-Craig Gregory won 4th place-$100 and donated it back to the snowmobile club. Everyone at the meeting signed a card as a thank you for his donation.
-We had great feedback from everyone on the prizes/raffles. Thank you again to everyone that helped out in making our raffle super successful, you are all greatly appreciated!!

New business:
Trail passes sold in 2017= 137,715
Trail passes sold in 2018= 143,889

Calendars sold in WI-507
Calendars sold in MI- 423

The bid for the Little Black bridge came back cheaper than expected and should be ready by this year.
Pine Line bridge came in under budget also.
Going to try to do 3 bridges every year, this will include new decking and new railing, etc.

There has been talk at the last few meetings about by-law changes and we will be voting/deciding this at the next meeting. Will send out a notice for everyone via email and/or via mail.

Happy to announce Carli Berger will be our youth rep-just filling out paperwork in the mean time if this hasn’t been completed since the April meeting. Thanks so much Carli! You will do awesome!!

50th year convention next year!!

Will be sending out land owner thank you’s- $25 Kwik Trip gift card for them
Starla made a motion
Kirby 2nd, all were in favor.

1st county meeting we are hosting-more details to come.

We need to pay $58.26 in outstanding bills
Carrie made a motion, Chuck 2nd, all were in favor

Most importantly: elections will be done at the next meeting!!
Next meeting will be July 22nd, 2pm @ Nick and Carrie’s house.
Can’t wait to see everyone there!!

Justin made a motion to adjourn,
Chuck 2nd, all were in favor.

This is a demo store for testing purposes — no orders shall be fulfilled. Dismiss
